Sharing in God's Beatitudes
Jesus says to Luisa: “My daughter, the more truths I manifest to you, the greater variety of beatitudes I give to you as gift. Each truth contains within itself a distinct beatitude, happiness, joy and beauty … when the soul is in her Fatherland in Heaven they will be like electric wires of communication through which the Divinity will unleash from Its womb so many acts of beatitude for as many truths as one has known. …. Do you believe that all of Heaven is aware of all my goods? No, no! Oh, how much remains for It to enjoy, which It does not enjoy today! Each creature who enters into Heaven, having known one more truth, which was unknown to the others, will carry within herself the seed so as to have new contentments, new joys and new beauty unleashed from Me. And these souls will be their cause and fount, while the others will take part in them. The last day will not come if I do not find souls who are disposed, so that I may reveal all my truths – so that the Celestial Jerusalem may resound with my complete Glory, and all the Blessed may share in all of my beatitudes.”