My daughter, the more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she will have up there in Heaven. So, the poorer on earth, the richer in Heaven; the more she is deprived of tastes, pleasures, amusements, trips, strolls on earth, the more tastes and pleasures she will have in God…. So, one who leaves the earth, takes Heaven, be it even in the smallest thing. Therefore, it follows that the more one is despised, the more he is honored; the smaller, the greater; the more submitted, the more dominant; and so with all the rest. Yet, of the mortals, who thinks of depriving himself of something on earth, to have it eternally in Heaven? Almost no one.”
Even if the thing you do not have is something that you haven’t willfully and specifically chosen to deprive yourself of– but rather, it’s something that God simply hasn’t blessed you with– then still offer that up. Simply offer your Fiat to God regarding whatever is lacking in your Earthly life, and you receive a thousand times that in Heaven; just by submitting.