The Hours of the Passion in the Divine Will

 fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum:

When we read the Hours of the Passion, Jesus tells us that he hears his own voice. This is because as Luisa tells us they are Jesus' words which are Divine and have creative power. When we read these words it is Jesus reading within us and saving souls as we join him in his Passion. 

To "do" an hour of the Passion means to read it attentively, meditating on it, contemplating it and making it one's own life. It is not just remembering and having pity on the sufferings of Jesus as something that happened many centuries ago in a faraway place; rather, it is first of all, to enter into the Divine Will, in which everything is present and in act, and to participate in the interior acts and sufferings of Our Lord, which are present and in act at this precise moment, so as to repeat his life within us, to grow in his likeness, and to pour upon everyone the infinite value, merits and effects of his Passion.

One can comprehend then how the Hours of the Passion are not just a reading, nor even an ordinary devotion, but a formation of life: The interior life of Jesus. In this way, day after day, we will feel more and more that Jesus is truly living in us - not just (mystically living) our life, but (really living in us) his own divine life.