Pure nothingness of the soul living in Divine Will
You must know that even humility does not exist in the Divine Will, but pure nothingness, which knows clearly that anything good which can be done, is the All operating in the nothing. So the poor nothing is in the act of being continuously born; it is the All that grows and forms Its life in the nothing. Oh power of the Divine Will – as soon as the soul decides and wants to live in It, the Most Holy Trinity takes Its prime operating place in her. And since this is an Act of Divine Will, all want their place of honor in that Act: the Queen of Heaven, the Angels, the Saints, and all created things. So, with one single Act of Divine Will, we enclose everything, we embrace everything, and we give everything to God, even all that the Eternal Word did upon earth. The goods which descend for the benefit of all are incalculable.