By Living in the Divine Will, everything is ours
By living together with the Divine Will, what is of Jesus and of the Queen Mama, is ours; ours His sanctity, His life, and the immense seas of His riches. Jesus and the Queen feel happy, for They are not alone in their happiness and in the goods they possess, but have the children of the Fiat, who are also their children, to keep them company and to live with them. And what is more is that, if we lack something, They take to heart our sanctity, They compensate for us in everything; They give us their love and everything They have done as our courtship and dowry, so that we may live with Them. Therefore, by living in the Divine Will everything is ours, and we can give everything to God. Even more, every act of Will of God that we do creates His Life in us, and we form the long generation of God in our acts.
Therefore, the thing that most facilitates living in the Divine Will, is to do whatever we can – and because God wants it; a Fiat is impressed in our act, and the Divine Life is formed. By not living in the Divine Will, we prevent the divine generation in our acts, because He does not find in us the adaptable material in order to form His Life – that is, He does not find His sanctity, His virtues, to be able to generate. How many Divine Lives repressed and not come to light, because the life of His Will is missing in the souls! What pain, what unspeakable bitterness! So, let us pray that the living in the Divine Will be known.