A Letter from Luisa To Sister Agnese, from the Cloistered Benedictine Nuns of Lecce

beg you to make everything disappear, so that the Divine Will alone may rise again in all your things. Never let It escape from you; hold It as the prime act of life, in all your actions, in sufferings and in consolations – in everything, and It will give you peace, so necessary to your soul. Be on guard for everything which is not peace, because fears and restlessness, even under the aspect of good, are always infernal breaths and rags of hell – stuff which does not belong to us; and we must be on our guard so as not to let alien and noxious things enter into our soul, which can harm us. Therefore, if you love Jesus, be at peace; whatever the circumstances may be, never get disturbed, and remain in full trust like a baby in the arms of Jesus.

Peace will be your heritage, the Divine Will your life, trust the powerful magnet which will capture blessed Jesus to dwell in your heart. Oh, how happy He will be to remain in your heart, because He will find His Heaven in it – the things of the Celestial Fatherland, which are His Will, peace and trust. In Heaven they live in full confidence, more than as children with their Father, enjoying peace and living from the Divine Will. Therefore, let us learn from this exile how one must live in Heaven!